Capitol Update: Week 4

The General Assembly was in session last week for Legislative Days 9 through 12. They return Monday, February 8th for Legislative Day 13. We expect a new Adjournment Resolution to be passed by the House and Senate that will take them all the way through Legislative Day 29, or Crossover Day. Crossover Day is the day by which a bill must have passed out of either the House or Senate to be considered by the other chamber.
The Senate Appropriations subcommittees each passed their respective portions of the Amended FY 2021 Budget and the full Senate Appropriations Committee passed it the whole thing out on Thursday. The Senate made only very minor changes to the House passed version. Some of those changes added money to the Department of Labor, to deal with the backlog of unemployment benefits, and they added funds to the Department of Public Health to assist with administering vaccines. The bill should be on the floor this week, and then head to a House/Senate conference committee to resolve the minor difference. To view the tracking document, click here.
The “Big Budget,” HB 81 which funds the government for all of FY 2022 begins House hearings this week. The House Appropriations Transportation Subcommittee hearing will be on Tuesday, February 9th at 8:00am. If you would like to view the hearing, you can click here.
Legislation ACEC Georgia is following
By Rep. Carl Gilliard (D-Garden City), would exempt public mass transit, campus transit, and public school system buses from paying Georgia’s motor fuel excise tax. This bill would undermine the purposes of HB 170 and ACEC Georgia will oppose. STATUS: Referred to the House Ways & Means Committee.
The Week Ahead
The General Assembly will (most likely) be in session Monday through Thursday this week, taking us through Legislative Day 16. As mentioned previously, the current Adjournment Resolution expires today, and we await the remaining legislative schedule being passed later today.