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STEM Workforce Task Force

The ACEC Georgia STEM Workforce Task Force is chaired by Charlotte Weber with Lumenor Consulting Group and was created to address our industry’s workforce needs by encouraging more students to consider pursuing the many diverse career options within the consulting engineering industry. The goal is to increase the next generation of engineering professionals by working with the K-12 systems around the state, the Technical College System of Georgia, and the University System of Georgia to encourage students to pursue careers in the built environment. This is a huge initiative, so we have divided the task force into three subcommittees:

The K-12 Committee is chaired by Angela Snyder with Practical Design Partners and is working to connect STEM professionals with educators in K-12 school systems across Georgia who are in need of potential presenters on STEM careers. We know that there is a significant need for teachers to have access to STEM professionals to use as a resource to expand on the concepts they are teaching their students. And of course, the engineering industry as a whole has a vested interest in encouraging students to consider careers in STEM fields related to the built environment. 

The Technical College Curriculum subcommittee is chaired by Abigail Burks with Parsons and is focused on working with the technical college system of Georgia to create a set of engineering technologies degrees/certifications to get more students in the industry faster.

The University System Outreach subcommittee is chaired by Zack Haney with Holt Consulting Company and is focused on building relationships with schools under the University System of Georgia to encourage and educate students about the built environment. This committee is in need of volunteers to build relationships with schools, help present presentations to various engineering universities in Georgia and participate in mock interviews. 

All three subcommittees are in need of more volunteers, so to learn more or become involved, contact

Career Fair Opportunities:

Attention ACEC Georgia Members! The Technical Colleges System of Georgia (TCSG) has shared their upcoming career fairs for 2024. See below if you are interested in recruiting from these great schools!